Sunday, November 01, 2009

ROMEO: Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Australian Shepard - Boxer -

SO I ordered a DNA test from PetCo for Romeo our "Beagle-Whippet" per the Mission Viejo Shelter. All were listed in the "in-the-mix" category meaning he is a Full-Blooded Mutt. But, we knew that, and I knew there was NO Beagle there. Boxer??? Sure he always seemed to especially like them at the dog parks and Boxer owners say their dogs KNOW other boxers from other dogs (??) But he looks nothing like a boxer. And that Australian Shepard thing... lots of people have guessed that about Romeo - but WHERE is the LONG fur???? He didn't get the fur!!!

Staffordshire Bull Terrier... I can see the hind quarters - strong and similar to the Whippet and Greyhound - built for speed and running - yes - that I can agree with - 100% but, his legs and feet... Romeo's feet are sleek and slender and he has longish toes like the whippet and greyhound. He is not so stocky - barrel chest - yes - always I saw that - THAT for sure - but wow - maybe we'll go with the extend version - it can tag nearly 100 breeds - maybe.

Saw something about the Staffordshire that they particularly like children - again lots of dogs do - and Romeo has always tended towards them - "asking" for pets from them first....

From the Westminster Kennel Club: The first impression of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is that of strength, intelligence and tenacity. The alert stance, big smile and wagging tail with which he welcomes all human visitors confirm the breed standard's call to show its "...affection for its friends and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability." Although originally bred for the pit many years ago, the Staffordshire is best known today as a foremost all-purpose family dog with a steady and dependable nature, outstanding athletic ability in the performance sports of agility and flyball, and the intelligence to be successful in the obedience ring.

Read the "NAture of the Beast" on the SBTCA site - and even if it is "in the mix" much of the description of that breed fits Romeo - so again - maybe - DNA doesn't lie on CSI...

Monday, October 26, 2009

El Pollo Loco

Yeah I could use a year's free anything - might as well be Flame-Grilled Chicken!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Girl Scouts and Movies


This weekend Sara and I led four short hikes for Service Unit RT2 - for their SU Camp-Out at O'Neill Regional Park... They gave us thank-you cards with a special treat for a movie! We went today to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Very good - better than I expected! We started seeing the previews during our vacation in August at Tahoe.... Sara has read the book - she says, several times we even gave the book to the book drive thru Borders. Alan Parsons Project is featured in the soundtrack!!! I was enjoying the SIMON door-code-lock when all of a sudden there was Sirius playing in the background!!!

Something else in the movie made me think of Big Bang Theory and Sheldon.

I love Nerds!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Acorn Day October 18th - O'Neill Regional Park

I guess the Rangers wished it was bigger.

But I was very please with the showing of Girl Scouts!! Service Units from Garden Grove - Orange - Lake Forest - Aliso Viejo - RSM - and a few others too!

Our 10am hike was a blast -- nearly all Girl Scouts! I included a talk under my favorite Oak on the Water Tank Road. We had a smaller hike at 3:30 and it too was very well received.

Our groups always thank us and tell us were were great - but a Jackson Browne comes to mind - nearly every time "...Tonight the people were so fine, they waited there in line And when they got up on their feet, they made the show ... People you've got the power over what we do, You can sit there and wait or you can pull us through Come along, sing the song You know that you can't go wrong..."

I love when I can feel the groups connect and respond! Not saying what we do is "a show" but - the people make it for us - when a kid has a reaction to what I say - and I KNOW the kid "GETS IT" - I am blessed!

Thank-you to all who attended Acorn Day this year - YOU MADE MY DAY!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Henry Winkler and Betta Fish

Chase is airing "spotlight company" commercials - "-cause they're *NEW* to California" - this week was "Pacific Reef Tropical Fish" - I got the coupon - now where's the location? Hey - there's one on the way home from work! Tried Friday - but - they were all out and said another shipment was coming at 4pm - um - "tomorrow?" I ask - they said they should still have some - today after work - on our way to the Readers' Festival - I stopped by again -- this time with Sara - I told her I had wanted to surprise her yesterday but that they ran out of the fish. The coupon was for the fish and a "Disco Betta" starter kit. they said the fish had gone MUCH faster then they expected! We had to buy food and water conditioner - but I had just received a $25 gift card this week - SOO - FREE FISHY!

Now, as I said - "on our way to the Reader's Festival"
- in Mission Viejo - to see Henry Winkler - he writes kids books (and I'll bet you thot he was just "the Fonz") - the Hank Zipzer: The World’s Most Amazing Underachiever series. We bought 3 of the books at Borders Wednesday for him to autograph today. To actually SEE him (he spoke) you had to get there early and get a wristband - but WE got in line for the Autographs about half an hour b4 he finished speaking inside. ten people tops - in front of us! Sara was beside herself to actually met an author - she is not too familiar with The Fonz (me - I remember those Happy Days) But, I also remember HOLES - and I loved him as Stanley Yelnats' dad - Stanley Yelnats - and "I don't smell anything" - couldn't talk to him tho as the line - oh the LINE! am I ever glad we got there when we did and hopped right in the line - and waited half an hour - very glad, it was VERY long!!! - Sara got a picture of him - and the three books are now autographed!

The Festival - nice job Mission Viejo - lots of great booths! Ideas for Girl Scouts - (Sara and I were wearing our NEW GS T-Shirts and people noticed) - like places for Service Projects! OH! and KSBR was there too - we stopped and talked to Gary - one of these days I am going to remember his name when I SEE him! We told him we heard about the event on KSBR - they are giving away trips to Catalina again - but I think this year - I will have to pass - can't listen at work - and when I am driving home- they have already finished announcing for the day...

and the fish - everyone was asking us where we got him - his name: "Henry W"

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tahoe 2009

Naegle Bldg 12 - Valley View room - It was really smokey yesterday - Yosemite has a fire and we flew by it on the way up here. We did seven geocaches today - just a few hours including lunch at MickeyD's - An entire football team (high school??) came in there while we were there!

Found three caches we'd looked for last December in the snow - they were deeply buried in the snow then.

Foxhound and Cepheus7 went to the Jacuzzi - I logged the caches - some "newbie" found the darned Horse cache in front of Harrah's and logged "Quick and Easy" she's found 18/19 at the time she logged it!!! We have looked twice with Cepheus7 and not found it :'(

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lake Tahoe for a Week!

Well most of it anyway - then to Sonoma County for a few days - gonna be another hot one I fear - but it is Vacation - and if it's hot then there will be lots of time at the pool - which I don't really like - I can't see without glasses - and don't wear contacts any more - so can't really swim in the pool :(

There might be geocaching and horse back riding too

time will tell

Sunday, August 23, 2009


A Great Weekend
Actually started Friday - Our two Cadettes met with our two leaders - (yup their moms are the leaders!) They actually accomplished quit a bit - they were looking at the IPs and the new Journey and thinking SILVER - I like that - I asked them to take charge in September - They are Ready! DISCOVER CONNECT TAKE ACTION

Then - Saturday - work for 4 hours - came home - Played on FaceBook - went to my 30 yr HS Reunion - Recognized some people - others - nope - not without the name tags - spent most of the time with a friend from 5th grade on - had to leave "early" - but later than I had told my family I was going to - to get sleep for SUNDAY!

The Ocean Institute in Dana Point - We went on the 88.5FM KSBR Morning Breeze Cruise - with guest Artist SCOTT AUGUST !! He called a Blue Whale with an awesome "Grandfather Cedar Flute" - totally awesome - totally -

The dolphins too, enjoyed the cruise - they play with the Sea Explorer and were leaping out of the water! I even captured one on "film" - fully out of the water.

It was a GREAT Weekend!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Morning Breeze - KSBR

It is 7am Sunday 08.09.09 - Theme from Princess Bride is playing on KSBR - I love this piece - The movie is a favorite too - so many funny bits - "He's only mostly dead" and the fencing and the ROUS's - all of it - The piece kinda winds up with a few notes - by Alex DeGrassi

NEXT weekend - Sara and I will be on our way to the Ocean Institute - for a Morning Breeze Cruise with SCOTT AUGUST!!!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

FaceBook and Girl Scouts!

Spent WAY too much time hunting HATCHLINGS - Way too much time...

I started a "group" for our Girl Scout Service Unit - and before it was even really ready a buddy requested to join!!

Set some more stuff up on it and sent invites to the Service Unit and - no one else :( But, it is a nice weekend - maybe in the coming week.

Went to the Orange County Girl Scout Council August kick-off this past Tuesday - Only one other person from our Service Unit went with me - funny thing - she's the buddy who is in the GROUP I started today! It was at the Kick-off that I heard to use FaceBook as the platform for the SU site - easier than setting up and entire site on my own, I was told. Boy, was it easy. Only thing is that I can make it fancy - but - the price is right - and for now - it will be great - IF I can get some response! Pictures, Events and other things can be added all right there for the group - EASY!

Tomorrow - I may have a new Daisy Leader to give Orientation to but, have not heard from her - no email replies and I don't have a phone number for her - I just have to show up - just in case - that is a bit frustrating when I don't hear anything... but - I never get tied of where I hold the Orientations - so if no one shows- my daughter and I will just enjoy the oaks for a while - and listen to the birds.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

More Geocaching

Friday foxhound and I took Pidude 26 caching - there was a fire at the Fisher Plaza, the building that houses the servers for Geocaching dot com so that causes us to change how we cached. Saturday - GC was back and we came up with some caches for today - Sunday. Pidude found one called "i've fallen and I can't get up" - there are at least eight caches in that immediate area - which i told him - "if we go for that one - we have to look for htese others" "Why?" he asks - I say "If you are going to be passing them and haven't found them yet - ya gotta look for them!" and besides - one of the ATW80 caches (China) was there too -

We ended up only finding 4 of the eight - DNF'd one - decided to not bushwhack one and completely pass on two others (including "I've fallen") too steep and too hot - but we all had fun and Pidude still wants more - so that's the good thing!

Friday, July 03, 2009

the day geocaching "stood still"

so we were going to take a friend geocaching today - but a fire in the Fisher Plaza stopped the original plans - We went to an old favorite park that has two caches that we know of and found those two "letterboxing style" and PiDude26 wants to do more! hoping for the servers to return by tomorrow... we had a great day - anyway - we ran into an old Ranger friend - one we hadn't seen in over a year - one we love and we introduced her to our friend - PiDude26.... we found one "new" cache and discovered two that have been muggled since the last time we found them. he's ready for more - so hoping for the servers (all of them in the building - not just the GC one) to be restored tomorrow!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


we tried twice to find a new cache - it is a nano and there is a decoy - found that one - we even had fellow cachers "Boondockers" AND Cepheus7 with us... Pacholik came back after we'd left and found it - darn... gotta go back next weekend - maybe even meet up with the Boondockers again...

Monday, May 25, 2009

GS Camp Out

Last weekend our troop and sister troop 1777 had their first official Camp Out. They all had a great time - wish some of mine would have at least come for the day then changed their minds (the rest of their troop and troop 1777 convincing them that it was ok to stay the night...

My two and the five from 1777 had a blast - mostly they spent their time exploring the creek bed. They found little frogs and "Boy Scouts" If I had know for sure they Were Boy Scouts and the troop they were with - I would informed they pack masters of things the girls said the boys were doing... NOT Boy Scout Safety that is for SURE!

anyway - was also introduced Geocaching to the girls AND "CITO" or Cache in Trash Out - and did a little clean up in the arroyo as we found four caches there - two had not m\been found since 2007 - the girls thot that was pretty cool!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Turkey Vultures are some of my favorite birds - I love watching them hang on the thermals - circling - rising and falling...

Tagged Turkey Vultures - Some people I know are involved in tagging and studying these birds. I received an email telling about a study and I hope that I get to see some of the tagged birds - kinda like Condors with tags only smaller...

- groups dot yahoo dot com / group / CALBIRDS - with the spaces removed and "dot" to "." will take you to a group with more info - OR:

Posted by: "mendocinorjk" mendocinorjk
Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:12 am (PDT)

The University of California Davis - Wildlife Health Center began a statewide study in 2008 looking at heavy metal exposure in scavenging birds. Turkey Vulture is one of the species that has been live trapped, tagged, and monitored. The TUVUs are fitted with "large white with black-numbers" patagial (axillary) tags that are easily visible in flight and when perched. Numbers can usually be easily read with binoculars and/or spotting scopes. Please report any sightings with exact location, observer, date, and tag number to BOTH the BBL and the two researchers below:

The following link for the BBL has instructions on how to report the sighting of an axillary marked bird to the BBL:

Also please report the sightings to Pete Bloom (master bander) and Terra Kelly the same info by e-mail (,

This message posted by Robert Keiffer, UC Hopland Research & Extension Center. 707-744-1424

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Foxhound is sleeping - Cepheus7 - he's been up "made dinner" Carnitas in the Crock Pot and he's back to bed - Romeo - he's curled up in the chair next to me - his favorite spot -
Me - bloggin' listening to KSBR - me time - only time I get any.

I want us to go an find some of the Country Caches for the ARW80 series tomorrow - but I want all three of us to go - together - some cachers have already completed the challenge!! They started last Sunday - we saw them at "England" - the cached 72 hours straight!! found all the Countries and the Continents AND "The World"! Some fellow cachers - must be jealous - 'cause they are questioning if these guys had visited ALL the caches themselves... these two say in their logs that others joined them for some caches - I was uncertain about the final "World" if some just tagged along or what - but, if you have 72 hours and you devote it all to finding the caches and solving the puzzles - then - great!! And if you don't have the time - great too - and just because a cacher doesn't log on line - doesn't mean they haven't physically BEEN to the cache - maybe they didn't have access IN THE FIELD to go online for each cache - WE don't - WE must wait till we get home to the computer! So just bcuz a cache- (the Continent Puzzles and THE WORLD Puzzle) isn't logged on line - or any of the COUNTRIES for that matter - doesn't mean these two cachers had not been there...
Sour grapes - yummy yummy!

Off the "s box"

I really like this time of day - KSBR - me an' my dog - sleeping in the chair next to me....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Walk in the park

Going to take the new Ranger on one of the paved road/trails today - going to see if we can get approval for a "new cache"
There is a new SERIES out too - ATW80 80 Caches in total?? one is on the road we are going on - gonna take the Ranger all the way there - first then to our site -

Met Ranger Raul and walked down the road. About a mile to a new Cache - I told him it just published and that I was certain that no one had asked to place it. As we approached GZ - there were two other people there - acting very much like Geocachers... Flashed my GPRs at them as we WERE with a Uniformed person... The Ranger seemed impressed with the entire Geocaching thing - might even look into it himself we think. signed the cache ourselves and he approved of its placement. Headed back towards the car/truck. Found the location for OUR cache and Raul watched as we placed it - came home and posted it it is active already - and about five to seven cacers have looked already!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Girl Scout Cookie Sales Over

Well our little troop sold 213 boxes - 105 were "extra boxes" - if we'd done a booth - or two we probably could have done even more...

next is International Day - and we are representing (South) Korea. Our meeting is tomorrow and I have exciting news for the girls - I think...

Then - in May -we are to do a two troop camp out - That will be fun -

Tired - and need to do laundry and find something for dinner - everyone else in the house is busy playing "computer games" of one sort or another...

Scott August and similar streaming on Pandora.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

GS Cookies!

SO - I am troop leader, Orientation Specialist, Team Member and Cookie Mom. Our little troop didn't do booth sales tho she and I have been visiting all of the rest of our Service Unit's troops at theirs - we have been able to sell nearly 105 extra boxes tho! Very excited about that - VERY!

The picture is of Foxhound and our troops' initial order in the cases in our living room!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Favorite Color

and the winner is BLUE

on the sign in sheet for our Girl Scout Service Unit Meeting tonight I asked for Favorite Color - Out of eleven attending (It was Ash Wednesday - so many were at Church instead of a Girl Scout Meeting) FIVE wrote BLUE.

Still trying to figure out HOW to get more leaders to come - having an older girl for the younger ones to do activities with - so far - a bust - just seems no one seems to think the "One representative from each troop is to be at Each Service Unit Meeting" really means anything... need to figure out an incentive... maybe that Yorba Linda Service Unit has ideas!

My Favorite Color is PURPLE!

Monday, February 23, 2009


was havin' a "remember when" moment - We used to watch Stanley EVERY morning. Love Dennis (the fish) and Harry the dog and Elsie the Cat, any one know the names of George Harrison's parents? At one time I thought it was Harry & Elsie - but now - all I find is "Harold and Louise" still it's close.

I still like the Great Big Book of Everything and the song that goes with it.
I clicked on the link above and Foxhound momentarily stopped what she was doing to listen!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

...and I laughed

The more I listen the more I like - this is my favorite part:

"...Do you want to, come on, scootch over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed..."

Foxhound asked what "nibble your ear" means (smile)

The Geek in the Pink

Ok - Official Announcement - I like Jason Mraz too

- SO cool when parents like the same music as there kids - the link - says live in Berlin - would love to see any artist is such a small venue - so much fun to be that close - we have seen C G Ryche at Downtown Disney before and Scott August and a few others up close - and I love it - I think the artists do too -

There are several other "tubes" at the same venue - this place is tiny - and sounds like lots of the people know his songs Freestyle Jam in Berlin - THIS is fun!

... had to stop and watch the Free Style -

I love Jason's hat.

Friday, February 20, 2009

More Jason

I like the lyrics...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

This is Foxhound's favorite song right now - I like the drums - nice rhythm too - kinda reggae -

I guess Radio Disney plays it "alot". and there is a "bad" word in there too - she wonders how it gets played on "Disney"

and there is this - his official site:

trying to type this and read his bio and Fox keeps finding something else on youtube telling me to "look" - We Sing We Dance We Steal Things -

OK - he's cool - Foxhound says "He's SOOO Random"

Might have to get the CD

"Home - Page" - reminds me of when Foxhound and Angel were at O'Neill Regional Park and every other word was - "FOOD"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme - Hung Up

A co-worker has been playing Madonna's "Hung Up" all week. Every time I hear the "flute" rift... I feel as is I have heard it B4 - LONG ago - So, I googled something like < "south america" "hung up" madona > - and found that, (even tho I believe the melody comes from even longer ago than ABBA - perhaps a South American "traditional song") Madonna received permission to use ABBA's "flute" theme from Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)

- to me - the melody sounds very much like it could be played on a Zampona - and I think of Sajama - a group who, I won't miss the chance to see - if I know that they are in the area and I have the free time...

listen (watch) for your self!

ABBA - - Gimme Gimme Gimme

Madonna - - Hung Up

Foxhound tells me that ABBA's isn't a flute - (no they play keyboard - but a "flute" sound) and really - Madonna has someone in HER band who plays an actual - flute???

Anyway - my mystery has been solved - I KNEW I had hear the tune before.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Shop dot cafepress dot com - I need to get a Sheldon Shirt!

My "page" at "BIG BANG THEORY - WEB SITE" Nothing there - except my comment about the Soft Kitty Song - Such a funny show! We watch it every week. Actually worked with someone very much like Sheldon - REALLY - and that makes the show even more funny.

Soft Kitty
Warm Kitty
Little Ball of fur
Happy Kitty
Sleepy Kitty
Purr purr purr

I REALLY did start singing the song before Sheldon did!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Rainy Day Sunday...

Linked to follow another blog -

heard that some fellow cachers were up at 4am yesterday in the rain to go caching... crazy - I like to just stay inside and sit by a fire (if we had wood) and watch the rain fall.

Dog still pestering me - I can't speak - cuz if I do he tries to jump in my lap - He's sleeping on his towel behind me right now - he likes to sleep in the chair next to me but Foxhound is playing on "her" computer so - he's on the floor (part f why he keeps bugging me)

Listening to KSBR - it's cool cuz you can hear the phone ringing in the background when the DJ announces that it is time to call in... to win something...

Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain...

Friday, February 06, 2009

Romeo is bugging me!

Raining - Dog wants to be on my lap - smells the tomato soup left in Foxhound's bowl keeps trying to get it by pawing at ME!

driving me crazy!

let him lick the bowl - he walked outta the room!
Nope he's back - I am done here

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Wonder if Foxhound's friend could still solve it with the stickers "off" -

Nineteen Something.. by Mark Wills

I love this song...

Nineteen Somethin'
Mark Wills

I saw Star Wars at least eight times
Had the Pac-Man pattern memorized
And I've seen the stuff they put inside
Stretch Armstrong
I was Roger Staubach back in my back yard
Had a shoebox full of baseball cards
And a couple of Evil Knievel scars
On my right arm
Well, I was a kid when Elvis died
And my mama cried

It was 1970-something
In the world that I grew up in
Farrah Faucett hair-do days
Bell bottoms and eight-track tapes
Lookin' back now I can see me
And oh, man did I look cheesy
But I wouldn't trade those days for nothin'
It was 1970-something

It was the dawning of a new decade
When we got our first microwave
And Dad broke down and finally shaved
Those sideburns off
I took the stickers off of my Rubix Cube
Watched MTV all afternoon
My first love was Daisy Duke
In them cut off jeans
The Space Shuttle fell out of the sky
And the whole world cried

It was 1980-something
In the world that I grew up in
Skating rinks and Black Trans AMs
Big hair and parachute pants
Lookin' back now I can see me
And oh, man did I look cheesy
But I wouldn't trade those days for nothin'
It was 1980-something

Now I got a mortgage and an SUV
But all this responsibility
Makes me wish sometimes

It was 1980-something
In the world that I grew up in
Skating rinks and Black Trans AMs
Big hair and parachute pants
Lookin' back now I can see me
And oh, man did I look cheesy
But I wouldn't trade those days for nothin'
It was 1980-something

Aw, it was 19-Something.....

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


YEAH - FINALLY got my (our) blog to be visible to get our "Blogger" Waymark approved - Took three times and two different blog sites

Caught a geocacher at our Neophobic Rattus rattus today - and let him "grab" our GIANT TB (the Geo-300) love catching other cachers...

now - how do I upload pictures.. hummmmm - got it - my elephant collection - hanging on a "towel rack"


we added this to our stuff we do - as it is so similar to geocaching - like a "sister sport" - but no containers involved - and lots of times - COOL historic stuff!! Like Genoa Toown in NV - that is always fun.

must get to work...

MySpace - FaceBook - Waymarking

well - trying this blogger again - seems that blogs at other sites just don't show up - I think I set things for others to read and am told - "nope, it is set to "private" "

FaceBook sent out invites to a TON of "friends" for me on Super big Football Sunday. Re-Connected with two long lost friends because of it but also ended up sending invites to GS leaders we traded postcards with LAST year and they got upset because I was "using the email list in an inapropiate way."

oh -well - time to work - sure hope THIS blog is visible to others.