Sunday, March 29, 2009

Walk in the park

Going to take the new Ranger on one of the paved road/trails today - going to see if we can get approval for a "new cache"
There is a new SERIES out too - ATW80 80 Caches in total?? one is on the road we are going on - gonna take the Ranger all the way there - first then to our site -

Met Ranger Raul and walked down the road. About a mile to a new Cache - I told him it just published and that I was certain that no one had asked to place it. As we approached GZ - there were two other people there - acting very much like Geocachers... Flashed my GPRs at them as we WERE with a Uniformed person... The Ranger seemed impressed with the entire Geocaching thing - might even look into it himself we think. signed the cache ourselves and he approved of its placement. Headed back towards the car/truck. Found the location for OUR cache and Raul watched as we placed it - came home and posted it it is active already - and about five to seven cacers have looked already!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Girl Scout Cookie Sales Over

Well our little troop sold 213 boxes - 105 were "extra boxes" - if we'd done a booth - or two we probably could have done even more...

next is International Day - and we are representing (South) Korea. Our meeting is tomorrow and I have exciting news for the girls - I think...

Then - in May -we are to do a two troop camp out - That will be fun -

Tired - and need to do laundry and find something for dinner - everyone else in the house is busy playing "computer games" of one sort or another...

Scott August and similar streaming on Pandora.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

GS Cookies!

SO - I am troop leader, Orientation Specialist, Team Member and Cookie Mom. Our little troop didn't do booth sales tho she and I have been visiting all of the rest of our Service Unit's troops at theirs - we have been able to sell nearly 105 extra boxes tho! Very excited about that - VERY!

The picture is of Foxhound and our troops' initial order in the cases in our living room!