Sunday, May 05, 2013

Second Attempt - Irvine Regional Park - Geocaching & Letterboxing Girl Scouts?

So, once again I tried to get our troop *and a Junior Troop* to go Geocaching & Letterboxing at Irvine Regional Park.  Today - per our friend Jessie - could be *busy* but, then maybe not.  I sent out emails & permission slips nines days prior.  Only one person even bothered to reply.  Still, I planned for today. 

I discovered that there MIGHT be about ten Letterboxes in addition to the over 20 caches hidden in the park.  I figured that Senior & Junior Girls could take these skills with them to then teach Brownie Scouts - heck, the Brownies have a Letterboxing Badge now and Juniors have Geocaching... this stuff is FUN for any age.  

I sent information about the Letterboxes too.

Saturday -- cloudy and cool -- PERFECT weather for caching & letterboxing! 

Foxhound & I stop at Pavilions for our picnic supplies and water (for everyone).  Drive to the park, which at 10am was pretty much empty.  We sat in the car until about ten after ten.  No cell phone ringing - no other people turning into the lot I designated at the meeting location.  No worries.  
I had my new hiking boots on to break in (LET'S GO) - they are a bit higher than the pair I finally replaced them with.  I had completely worn the tread *OFF* off that old pair and they were SO comfortable.  This was no longer a Girl Scouts event... Permission Slip stays in the car n' it is just Foxhound & me - daughter & mom - 'boxing & 'caching together (except we opted to JUST do the 'boxing because "it is more fun")

Foxhound is really good at this -- she found the SPORs so much faster than me.  SPOR = Suspicious Pill Of Rocks.  She found many other cool things too.  A retired 12 year old Arabian RACE horse and his English Teacher Owner.  A tiny walking stick insect (on one of the letterbox containers)  and a roadrunner.  Later perhaps the same roadrunner was spotted by the English Teacher with a lizard in its beak! 

 Many peacocks and a few hens -
 This one let Foxhound touch his feathers

- even what we think was a very young peacock -- he had HALF a tail! 

We also went to the zoo. We missed Sampson, Simba and now Nacho. 
(RIP our furry friends)
There are new Cougars - they are about two years old.  A brother & sister.
The Brother has a BALL - a BIG PURPLE exercise ball! 
We watched as the trainer, caretaker fed him - using the Clicker when he did what he was supposed to - move a certain way or direction, let her examine his paw pads... things like that.  He plays in the water and him tummy fur was all wet & dirty!  

We only found 2 of the 6 Letterboxes (letterboxes can have several containers in "one" - like a Multi-Cache in Geocaching). In all we found SEVEN containers. The weather was perfect and as always - we had FUN.

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