Sunday, July 24, 2011


Offices merged - Toll Road is TOO expensive - I hope someone has been listening.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

It's July Already

We made a Black Forest Dump Cake this past weekend - for 4th of July - first time that Dad ever actually had any - cuz it is always gone when we make it for Girl Scouts!

Using the little red wagon and box oven right next to the BBQ is funny - but, the box oven is cool - Foxhound wants to do the Vagabond and Buddy Burners - maybe this weekend - just to practice - they aren't as efficient - but, I remember making breakfast on them during camp-outs - and I remember them getting really hot and someone getting burned!

I really should be getting something ready for dinner - but - blogging is more fun - and besides everyone else in the house is either chillin watching videos - or playing games on the xBox   - why should I be "working" in the kitchen - besides - it is too warm for cooking!