Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2013 Regal Summer Movie Express!

Foxhound and I are enjoying the Summer *off*.  For her it is because school is out but, for me it is because I was part of a department wide (all of the California Commercial Branches Customer Service Representatives) Lay-Off! 
Today we took in a movie for $1 each! PLUS it was $2 Popcorn Day!  We enjoyed "Journey 2 the Mysterious Island".  We had seen it at home on the "small screen". But, it is a fum movie and I want one of those little elephants!! 

Afterwards, we drove a few miles to the Lake Forest Nature Park off Dimension.  We'd been there around the time it opened and had found the two caches in the park and a few along the trail that starts there.   A few new caches have been placed since and we never came to *find* them!  But, two things brought us back.  1. A new challenge cache requiring 59 caches that have no vowels in their Names/Titles and 2. We needed to fill the 07.30 square on our *year grid*.   LFNP 2 (placed 03.04.2007) was the main reason to come back to this park.  It was a replacement for a cache that we had found, "Dry Creek Cache"  12.10.2005 which was very early in our caching career!    

Good Day!

Monday, July 01, 2013

Its All GREEK to ME

So, I have been bashing my head against a wall for years (04/11/2011) to be exact.
I have enlisted family and friends trying to solve the puzzle.  
The weather has been HOT and we NEED to fill the July 1 square on our grid! 
All these years since November 2005 and we NEVER have found a cache oi July 1st or July 4th!

Finally, yesterday I reached out to a lifeline I know.  I had read her post and it indicated something.  She gave be a hint.  Now, much like a cache that was written in "duck"  I shake my head, "Really, it was that?"  So, I spent the morning solving and with the help of a few websites In case you need help with CROSSWORD PUZZLES like this (nope the GREEK puzzle is NOT a crossword but, the site helped ME)

And the Number is....
And again this site won't solve the puzzle either but, it helped ME.
Now, to get Foxhound & finally LOG this one!