Monday, December 23, 2013

Nearly Christmas Eve

Once again I find that months have gone by since my last blog.  I suppose that I should take time to get here at least once a week.  I don't know how "bloggers" do it.  How do they have something to blog every single day? 

I received a message that a waymarker found our blog.  They are from Canada!  

" MaitreJack wrote comments for tissa1020 & Foxhound's Blog Space on 12/23/2013 8:00:00 AM and posted the following comments:

J'ai visité le blogue. Beau site. Merci de partager avec nous. I visited the blog. Beautiful site. Thank you for sharing with us. MaitreJack de Rimouski, Québec, Canada"

Seems that I need such reminders to actually blog.  Sad.

Anyway,Catalina was great.  Roman Street ~loved them~ " Roman Street is a energetic band born and raised out of Mobile, AL dabbling in the arts of “new” flamenco, smooth and not-so-smooth jazz, and its own brand of fusion style music with a youthful and spontaneous approach to musical expression."  

Their style is one of my most favorite forms of guitar.  I was able to get their autographs right after they were interviewed by Gary & Kelly!  

Foxhound and I have filled in every square on our grid except for five days to be filled in 2014.  February and March - five days between the two of them.
I am trying to use GSAK to find how many DAYS we have cached.  There is an event cache in early January the requires we know this important statistic.  Geocaching has been around for around 5,000 days. We started caching five years into the game so we missed many from the start.  And, of course we have NOT cached every single day since we started.  We know some people who are one a 400 plus day streak.  That, is really something. 
I have to ask friends how to get this GSAK to work.  It looks rather simple but, there are things that I just can't seem to get out of it.  I ran some files and they indicate we only have 717 finds and ONLY in CA.  Not true.  We have per GC, 1.659 finds and in over five states! 

Foxhound is out of school for Christmas/Winter break and still sleeping.  Romeo is bored and keeps trying to get me to take him on his walk earlier than normal. 

Two days til Christmas and too much to do. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!