Monday, December 23, 2013

Nearly Christmas Eve

Once again I find that months have gone by since my last blog.  I suppose that I should take time to get here at least once a week.  I don't know how "bloggers" do it.  How do they have something to blog every single day? 

I received a message that a waymarker found our blog.  They are from Canada!  

" MaitreJack wrote comments for tissa1020 & Foxhound's Blog Space on 12/23/2013 8:00:00 AM and posted the following comments:

J'ai visité le blogue. Beau site. Merci de partager avec nous. I visited the blog. Beautiful site. Thank you for sharing with us. MaitreJack de Rimouski, Québec, Canada"

Seems that I need such reminders to actually blog.  Sad.

Anyway,Catalina was great.  Roman Street ~loved them~ " Roman Street is a energetic band born and raised out of Mobile, AL dabbling in the arts of “new” flamenco, smooth and not-so-smooth jazz, and its own brand of fusion style music with a youthful and spontaneous approach to musical expression."  

Their style is one of my most favorite forms of guitar.  I was able to get their autographs right after they were interviewed by Gary & Kelly!  

Foxhound and I have filled in every square on our grid except for five days to be filled in 2014.  February and March - five days between the two of them.
I am trying to use GSAK to find how many DAYS we have cached.  There is an event cache in early January the requires we know this important statistic.  Geocaching has been around for around 5,000 days. We started caching five years into the game so we missed many from the start.  And, of course we have NOT cached every single day since we started.  We know some people who are one a 400 plus day streak.  That, is really something. 
I have to ask friends how to get this GSAK to work.  It looks rather simple but, there are things that I just can't seem to get out of it.  I ran some files and they indicate we only have 717 finds and ONLY in CA.  Not true.  We have per GC, 1.659 finds and in over five states! 

Foxhound is out of school for Christmas/Winter break and still sleeping.  Romeo is bored and keeps trying to get me to take him on his walk earlier than normal. 

Two days til Christmas and too much to do. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Friday, September 06, 2013

Once Again - "TIme Passages"...

Honestly, I don't have an excuse.  

I just don't make the time to blog.  Saw a post from a friend and decided to come check it out.

Then, remembered that I have not been here (again) in a long time.

So, Foxhound & I just completed the Geocaching - 31 days of caching Challenge - at least one cache a day for the month of August.  


AND we managed to snag NINE "FTFs" which is amazing because of a cacher in our area who seems to get all of the new caches before I even know about them!

August was one of the few months that we already had every day filled on "the grid".  It was still fun to get at least one cache a day.  

Now, in September, we have many days that have yet to be filled even though we have been caching since November of 2005!  We are doing our best to get those days filled.  School is going to soon get in the way. 

The past week plus has been horrible hot and humid stuff.  Wish it would end soon.  Today however, we had a little rain burst while we were driving to the Mall to enjoy THEIR air-conditioning.  Foxhound was beyond happy! 

October is JAZZ FEST on Catalina. The first three weekends every October.  Last year, we went ON my birthday *I went for FREE* courtesy of the Catalina Express.  I bought tickets for the rest of my family and three tickets to the Noon show as well.  AND the Wooden Nickel Restaurant fed ME for FREE too.  Everyone there that day whose BDay is October 20th had a Birthday Ribbon.  THAT was pretty cool being with so many other "1020's" 
This year, Just Foxhound & I will be going *both for FREE* courtesy of my most favorite Radio Station ***KSBR***  Monday's JazzTrax artist of the day was Craig Chaquico... (oh how I wish he was the show for Oct 5th noon).  I entered on the station' web site.  The next day, I thought I remembered something was happening on that date so I didn't enter.  Same for Wednesday.  BUT, yesterday I get home to a message from Judy Davila (KSBR) saying that I WON!!!!  I looked on the calendars and can't find what ever it was I thought was happening on the 5th.  Roman Street & David Benoit*goin' to Catalina!* 
This will be the forth time I think, I love live music and the venue is so cool - the Casino on Catalina.

That's it for now... gonna escape the heat and go for an Owl Hike this evening.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2013 Regal Summer Movie Express!

Foxhound and I are enjoying the Summer *off*.  For her it is because school is out but, for me it is because I was part of a department wide (all of the California Commercial Branches Customer Service Representatives) Lay-Off! 
Today we took in a movie for $1 each! PLUS it was $2 Popcorn Day!  We enjoyed "Journey 2 the Mysterious Island".  We had seen it at home on the "small screen". But, it is a fum movie and I want one of those little elephants!! 

Afterwards, we drove a few miles to the Lake Forest Nature Park off Dimension.  We'd been there around the time it opened and had found the two caches in the park and a few along the trail that starts there.   A few new caches have been placed since and we never came to *find* them!  But, two things brought us back.  1. A new challenge cache requiring 59 caches that have no vowels in their Names/Titles and 2. We needed to fill the 07.30 square on our *year grid*.   LFNP 2 (placed 03.04.2007) was the main reason to come back to this park.  It was a replacement for a cache that we had found, "Dry Creek Cache"  12.10.2005 which was very early in our caching career!    

Good Day!

Monday, July 01, 2013

Its All GREEK to ME

So, I have been bashing my head against a wall for years (04/11/2011) to be exact.
I have enlisted family and friends trying to solve the puzzle.  
The weather has been HOT and we NEED to fill the July 1 square on our grid! 
All these years since November 2005 and we NEVER have found a cache oi July 1st or July 4th!

Finally, yesterday I reached out to a lifeline I know.  I had read her post and it indicated something.  She gave be a hint.  Now, much like a cache that was written in "duck"  I shake my head, "Really, it was that?"  So, I spent the morning solving and with the help of a few websites In case you need help with CROSSWORD PUZZLES like this (nope the GREEK puzzle is NOT a crossword but, the site helped ME)

And the Number is....
And again this site won't solve the puzzle either but, it helped ME.
Now, to get Foxhound & finally LOG this one!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sizzling HOT....

Saturday ~June 29th~ The temps were forecast to hit over 100~

Foxhound & I went to Cars and Coffee and then to the Grand Opening of Farmers Park in Anaheim  

According to my car it was at least 97 but, according to weather dot com (clicking here will give you *yesterday's* weather in Anaheim not June 29th 2013)  the high was only 94!
We had planned to do that and the Muzeo and three geocaches nearby.  

We opted to do the Muzeo another day.  Parking was FREEEE all day. 
We left and returned to the parking structure twice (after each 2 hours that we were there) Once to get lunch.  TOOO hot to walk to Carl's and second time just drove around the block because we couldn't believe parking was REALLY *FREE*.  We had to see the scary Smiley Face that flashed *FREE PASSAGE*

We completed the legwork (solving) the two puzzle caches and found one of them.  Pretty sure we found the location of the other but, lacked the TOTTs to retrieve it.  We have some lifelines we will try (for hints) and return when we go to the Muzeo.  

The Anaheim Downtown Artwalk was part of the cache we DID find.  It was long but, FUN.  The website we found AFTER when I was looking for the "extra credit if you can figure out what those letters mean" in part e of Stop 6: Rock Bench.  I really liked that bench,  it had a story about Coyote.  Silly trickster, he never learns.  We learned one word in Gabrieliño (phonetically anyway) "YTUR" is "Coyote". The Artist/Sculptor for the bench and several other pieces in the walk is Nobuho Nagasawa 

We really must go back - we missed much of the art and the entire Muzeo.

OH and those two caches we found... Completed our JUNE squares on our GRID.  Need to find some tomorrow and on the 4th of July! 


Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 9th to May 12th

I decided to take a Vacation Dayon May 9th so that I could get my eyes checked then spend the afternoon with my daughter.  After I picked her up from school we set out for the Mission Viejo Mall for "Mom's Night Out".  An annual event were various stores set out booths & give away samples.  Last year, they had a RSVP email.  I replied, I arrived (later than the start time) to find ALL the samples -esp- the Mall Goodie Bag GONE!  OK, so it is mostly little samples and "spend $500 and we will give you "blank" but, I RSVP'd & they gave away "MY" goodie bag!  Only good thing last year was the guy playing the Steel Drums...  I talked to him.  He is local.  Said he had been there three years in a row.  Back to this year, I didn't want to miss the FREE SAMPLES!  Took a Vacation Day!  The guy with the Steel Drums was there again!  Just too crowded to hang around right there to listen so, we wandered around going to the stores with samples & specials "for Mom".  Origins did FREE Mini-Facials - they say they offer FREE 20-minute Facials *anytime* & NO obligation to BUY (really??) Might take them up on that. We finished off "Mom's Night" at Muscle Beach - aka Hotdogs-on-a-Stick for my FREE lemonade.  We bought dinner there and brought it home.

Friday May 10th.  Half-Day at work to come back for Half-Day Saturday.  We needed to fill a square on our Geocaching Grid.  On Thursday, I had looked for caches very near to home that we still have not found.  There are a few but, not too many.  Most now require hiking & the weather was forecast to be "HOT".  Also, we had a Girl Scout meeting (at least planned).  Most the other girls were busy.  One just returning from the Annual Spring Trip for her school.  So that caches I looked at were very close to home. One happened to be a Puzzle Cache that published in January of 2009.  Every time I had looked at the cache before, I just shook my head.  Duck had definitely lost it this time.  I just did NOT get it.  "Quack QuQuQuQu Qu QuackQuQuackQu QuQuack QuackQuQuackQu QuQuQuQu Qu QuQu QuQuQu"  I mean... REALLY????!! 
But, somehow this time - I found something different.  Something like a KICK in the butt or a "dead-give-away" clue as to how to solve this puzzle.  FINALLY and OMG how could I have NOT seen that before! I told Foxhound that we would be hunting for this when no one else could be at the meeting! 
I picked her up and we confirmed we'd be trying this alone.  
We scoped out the vicinity of the cache.  Parked the Geo300 and made our approach.  My GPSr had me walking in circles but, NOT finding the container.  

Hmmm, we NEED to find ONE cache today... Let's go try that other old cache "nearby".  This next cache had been there since 2008 & we NEVER even tried to find it before! It is a Tribute Cache to a friend of ours -something about his 2,262nd find" (weird Milestone but, what the heck).  We again park, walk towards the cache GZ.  Gets to a point that Foxhound will go no further.  I knew the thing was a NANO - had an idea of WHAT I was looking for.  "FOUND IT!" I shout to Fox.  (OH -if anyone who posted on our "Got Spam?" Multi posted they "found" this one...) These little devils are difficult to get the log out of & to sign, especially when the log is FULL as this one was. None the less, I accomplish what had to be done & replace the container.  And YES, at least FIVE cachers who complained that they cannot find WP1 of our Multi-Cache (including the HIDER of THIS very cache) posted they "found" this one!!!  LOOK HARDER - CLOSER - it is there! 

Back at the Geo300 we make a call to the hider of the puzzle.  Yup, we were in the correct area... Yup, we are "blind" and Yup, the Duck with one of the ducklings might swing by just to be sure we made the find.  We drive back. Park and walk to GZ again. THIS armed with a clue for the owner -- I nearly saw it before I was there!  OH what a cleaver camo! And fun tricky puzzle. We chat with Duck and his oldest Duckling.  Then we all head off for home. 

Saturday - Half-Day work and RECYCLE day.  There is a location near my work that pays good $$ for glass, plastic and aluminum.  AND they are friendly!  We had enough to make the trip worth-while.  Enough for FREE LUNCH at Popeye's Chicken!  YUM.
Next, we go to O'Neill Regional Park to monitor "our" Western Bluebirds. 

Not all good.  Our nest with five babies last week has only two remaining.  

and another was abandoned - one egg and two chicks -gone- nothing we could do. 


But, one nest has a very well feed chick 


and both parents are very attentive to the nesting box.

We'd finish the day with Mom Miller at Tulsa Rib Company.  It has relocated to a place where we attended a Geo-Event when it was called something else. GOOD eats!  We went back to her place and built the puzzle we gave her for Mother's Day.  This one was about a million times easier than the last one we attempted.  That one was never completed even with four visits.  THIS puzzle in less than two hours.  Time enough to play a few rounds of Banana-grams.

Sunday - Happy Mother's Day!  Blueberry WAFFLES!!  A wreath with "robbin eggs" on it and a little Chickadee for me! 

THEN, off to Rockreation for Foxhound to do Climb-Time and ME to climb to "ROCKSTAR".  A Geocache named "ROCKSTAR"

We received FOUR "Ayden Rockstar" wrist bands from Mama Misty & Miss Debbie.  I DID IT!  I signed the log (again) for us.  and placed the bands in the container.  

Foxhound is fighting a cold and only did three walls - 

but, her NEW climbing shoes really helped!  Three other moms were there for Mother's Day too.

Foxhound and her Belayer, Jeff



Sunday, May 05, 2013

Second Attempt - Irvine Regional Park - Geocaching & Letterboxing Girl Scouts?

So, once again I tried to get our troop *and a Junior Troop* to go Geocaching & Letterboxing at Irvine Regional Park.  Today - per our friend Jessie - could be *busy* but, then maybe not.  I sent out emails & permission slips nines days prior.  Only one person even bothered to reply.  Still, I planned for today. 

I discovered that there MIGHT be about ten Letterboxes in addition to the over 20 caches hidden in the park.  I figured that Senior & Junior Girls could take these skills with them to then teach Brownie Scouts - heck, the Brownies have a Letterboxing Badge now and Juniors have Geocaching... this stuff is FUN for any age.  

I sent information about the Letterboxes too.

Saturday -- cloudy and cool -- PERFECT weather for caching & letterboxing! 

Foxhound & I stop at Pavilions for our picnic supplies and water (for everyone).  Drive to the park, which at 10am was pretty much empty.  We sat in the car until about ten after ten.  No cell phone ringing - no other people turning into the lot I designated at the meeting location.  No worries.  
I had my new hiking boots on to break in (LET'S GO) - they are a bit higher than the pair I finally replaced them with.  I had completely worn the tread *OFF* off that old pair and they were SO comfortable.  This was no longer a Girl Scouts event... Permission Slip stays in the car n' it is just Foxhound & me - daughter & mom - 'boxing & 'caching together (except we opted to JUST do the 'boxing because "it is more fun")

Foxhound is really good at this -- she found the SPORs so much faster than me.  SPOR = Suspicious Pill Of Rocks.  She found many other cool things too.  A retired 12 year old Arabian RACE horse and his English Teacher Owner.  A tiny walking stick insect (on one of the letterbox containers)  and a roadrunner.  Later perhaps the same roadrunner was spotted by the English Teacher with a lizard in its beak! 

 Many peacocks and a few hens -
 This one let Foxhound touch his feathers

- even what we think was a very young peacock -- he had HALF a tail! 

We also went to the zoo. We missed Sampson, Simba and now Nacho. 
(RIP our furry friends)
There are new Cougars - they are about two years old.  A brother & sister.
The Brother has a BALL - a BIG PURPLE exercise ball! 
We watched as the trainer, caretaker fed him - using the Clicker when he did what he was supposed to - move a certain way or direction, let her examine his paw pads... things like that.  He plays in the water and him tummy fur was all wet & dirty!  

We only found 2 of the 6 Letterboxes (letterboxes can have several containers in "one" - like a Multi-Cache in Geocaching). In all we found SEVEN containers. The weather was perfect and as always - we had FUN.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

April 2013 - Western Bluebird & more

April FLEW by!

Foxhound & I took over monitoring 6 Western Bluebird boxes in O'Neill Regional Park this year.   

We first checked them March 30th.  Some already had nests in progress. 

Today, May 4th, we went to our 2nd SoCal Bluebird Club meeting then, checked our boxes.   THREE have babies! One has five, two have one chicks.  So exciting!  

Last week, we had people watching us.  They took pictures of the chicks! 

We have NEW Rangers at O'Neill again. One, comes from Laguna Regional Park, she is great - Gillian from the SCBC told us she was coming to OUR park from hers.   We stopped by to introduce ourselves today. 

In addition to  the 6 boxes at O'Neill, we also added one @ Monte Vista Park & another in a neighbors' tree.  The one in Monte Vista -- too cool. There was a pair of Bluebirds WATCHING us as we hung the thing!  That was about four weeks ago. Today... they aggressively protected it when Foxhound took it down to check the progress.  Nest is nicely completed!   no eggs yet - but, the pair of BBs is very active at the box! 


Til next time...


Sunday, March 17, 2013

GirlScout4Fun caches in Irvine Reg Park

Today I had planned to have our Troop meet at Irvine Regional Park for a picnic and then an afternoon of Geocaching.

I knew three could not come - but, it turned out to be JUST Foxhound & me!!! 

SO we ditched all the STUFF we brought - including the permission slip! 

Just us caching as t&F 

We found a total of 8 for 8 -- not bad! 

Met some cachers too - that is always fun! 

Most of the caches we found today were placed by a sister scout GirlScout4Fun and to kickup the difficultly for the last 3 Foxhound suggested we use only the Aerial Map, the descriptions and the "Additionals"   -- more or less -- two of the last four we did just that.  Foxhound pointed out that when we started caching we DID use only the aerials, descriptions & additional hints! 
She told me around 3 that she was tired - so we went back to the car & headed home -- It was a FUN DAY!    

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Geocache Containers

Spent a few hours to day making some geocache containers from those plastic "bubbles" that come from the vending machines that kids feed quarters to -to get "cool prizes" but, never the ones that are one the pictures. 

I made some a while ago but, need to replace a cache that seems to go missing.  I am hoping that THESE will stay longer.  I think they just might blend a bit better.

I use wire from hangers, a candle, Liquid Nail and the little "bubbles".

This morning when I looked for my wire snips... nope, not where I thought they were.  So, off to Lowes I go!  I also picked up a new set of Visp Grips (tools are cool).

Now to chop the hanger.  The first one is easy 'cus it is already bent to nearly the right shape.  Measure the next two and shape them. (one end with a "right-angle" bend about a quarter inch long).
Light a (scented) candle.  Take the cap from the "bubble", hold that bent end of the (hanger) wire to the candle flame for about ten seconds, push it thru the center of the cap. Let it cool.  

Next is the creative part.  I use the Liquid Nail in the can NOT the tubes.  I place a little blob on the inside of the cap to hold the "right-angle" bend,  Let that dry.  Meanwhile, I lightly coat the "bubble" parts with Liquid Nail".  Spray paint sticks better to it than to the plastic.  Set those aside.  By now the cap is set and I sculpt the rough texture on the lids.  Hang them to dry.  

Once the parts are dry, I spray paint them.  

And now, the "bubbles" are little "Acorns" that can hide in Oak Trees!   


Last week when we meet with the Junior Troop I only had the "bubble" but, I told them that I had made "Acorns".  


As I was logging on to Blog - I see a friend has posted "Listen to Styx "Come Sail Away" while you read this..."  on Feb 26. 2013 -- so, I pulled them up on youtube: - and listened & read.
I had not thought of the song in years.  What she wrote fit the song so well.  Very pretty piano too.  "Carry ON!" and "memories - some happy some sad..." 

Oh! and the Band's hair - I LOVE the hair! 
Completely side-track now - I have to get back to what I was going to blog before - until then

Come Sail Away....

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Geocaching & Junior Girl Scouts and a "Passion for Cachin' "

Foxhound has a Geocache that was placed for her by a follow geocacher back when we first started caching.  I have it on our watchlist. It is called "Passion for Cachin' "   

Last week I received an email that someone *a new cacher* had found it.  It was their FIRST find!  I send a welcome email - a few more back and forth - we are both Girl Scout Leaders and we both know DopeyDuck, another cacher. In fact this new cacher is IN Dopey's Service Unit!   She asks if my girls can come to their meeting on February 22nd to teach about Geocaching.  

February 22nd is World Thinking Day - the joint Birthday of Lord & Lady Baden-Powell - the founders of Scouting in England & good friends of Juliette Gordon Lowe - founder of Girl Scouts in the USA!  - We will be getting patches to give to this troop of Juniors - because although we are from different Countries (World Thinking Day is when Girl Scouts & Guides World-Wide think about their sister scouts EVERYWHERE) we are different troops and different Service Units.
I say yes. But, as my girls are nearly all in High School and almost always busy on Fridays -- I say that I can have two there - Foxhound & Nat -- then we find out Nat is singing at a very special event --- in Hollywood (Sunday Feb 24th) She has been working for MONTHS with her choir... 

So it is just me and Fox.   She was mostly quiet for the entire time.  Says she never knows what to say in front of people she doesn't know.  That is fine except that I was hoping for it to be "girl teaching girls".

We brought a bag full of different containers - ready to hide and in their "original form"     We had print-outs from the website. We had our pink "My Little Pony Geo-Stuff backpack".  We talked about the different sizes and types of caches and some of the terms.  We shared our special Travel Bugs and explained that most travel from cache to cache AROUND the WORLD
  and I just talked. 
The girls asked questions.
No script - just "winging it" - It was great!  

Then we all went out and drove to the park where Fox & I found our FIRST Multi-Cache - Our FIRST FTF (First to Find) AND our FIRST encounter with other Geocachers (in the field) and THEY turned out to be the hiders of the FIRST cache that  Foxhound & I ever found!  The "Cache of FIRSTS".  It is still there and it is "Pinecrest Wilderness Walk Multi"   
 The cache we actually went there to find is "Rancho Trabuco GS Patch Letterbox Cache   

That birdhouse above their heads is part of an Eagle Scout Project!

After this we drove back to find Passion for Cachin' 

It truly seemed the girls had a great time 
- I hope we managed to cover most of what they needed to earn the Geacaching Badge!  I had a very good time - I love teaching others about Geocaching!    



About three weeks ago (January 29th 2013) A calf was born to Glenda the Diary Cow at Amy's Farm in Ontario. Foxhound & I went to see him when he was just 9 days old.  SO cute!  Glenda was eating when he became very uninterested in just standing next to her and romped off to the other end of the pen/corral.  Suddenly, Glenda notices he's gone!  Very lowly she calls for him "Mmmoooooo?" - turned her head and spotted him.  She then followed him - all was well again.  

Yesterday 02.23.2013 was an other Saturday - and just 2 weeks later.  We stop by Amy's again to see the baby.  But, he is really GONE!  We learn that he was sold for the Milk Share Program there at the farm.  But, this week there are baby sheep.  LAMBS.  They were busy napping in the shade but, cute none the less. 

Foxhound is off to find the cats -- we thought there were just three.  Today we discovered there are closer to TEN.  Including a large whitish Tom with a piece of his ear missing... He has a striped tail (like a raccoon!) but, very leery of people - he kept his distance.  The little grey female tabby was more than willing to get petted - tiny little voice.  She will follow you if you let her.

We continue to visit the other animals. Including, Wilbur, the pig. Foxhound only likes the very small pigs (piglets only for her).  Me, I find it kinda funny that ALL the animals at the farm (except "Tom") like to be petted!  So, I go over to Wilbur's pen and I call his name.  He jumps up (yes, pig jumped to his feet) and runs over to me!    Just like the story - this Wilbur was the runt of his litter.  He does not have Charlotte - that I saw.  He DOES however have far creepier "friends".  I start scratching his head when Foxhound comes over and informs me that he has TICKS!  hmmm ---- yes - he sure did! Many many ticks just wandering around.... weird because I never noticed before and none of the other animals seem to have them... I tell Wilbur that we must leave --- Ticks creep Foxhound out more than anything else that I know of.  

We say goodbye to the other animal friends we have met there - we learned the name of the BIG Brown Swiss "Granma Tina" --- I love her BIG furry ears! 

We get in the car to leave.   Foxhound had changed the radio station before we arrived to GO COUNTRY... I burst into laughter --- Brad Paisley is singing...  "TICKS"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"now that's a girly geeky blog...TFTW!!!"

So - once again I have gone *months* without blogging.
Received an email message that a Waymarker had visited.
oh - and for those who are not geocacher or waymarkers -
TFTW!!! = Thanks For The Waymark!!!"

Girly? 'cuz it's "pink"? 
Geeky - yeah I will admit THAT one - but, the "Girly"
-- really? gonna hafta to do something about that! 

Foxhound for sure is NOT girly and I will never claim to be myself.

But, Hey I am here blogging about it none the less
-- the Waymarker/Geocacher who found us this time is "ClanCampbellChandler" from San Diego & Arizona and seems to be a "mega-cacher"  at least in the past week or so.... 
74 caches in the first 15 days of the year! KUDOS to that!
All I can say is - I wish I had that kind free time to cache on the weekends!
I keep trying to get our Girl Scout Troop together for a cache-day -- Every time -- it is raining - and YES - then we'd have a Girly problem -- no rain caching for most of them :)

Typing from work while answering phones, not a good idea.
I had to enter the url for this blog today when I replied to another blog called "Walk Simply" - she posts often and hikes in some of my favorite OC Parks. This time it was Riley Wilderness Park (really need to get back there) 
THAT got me thinking about pasting another blog too.

So much has happened since September 3rd.
But, the most special and memorable was this:

On December 22nd we attended a celebration for Kabrina - it would have been her "sweet sixteen" birthday --- friends & family remembering and celebrating the time we had with her. Then we wrote messages on white balloons and went outside.  Her family released their balloons first, then the rest of us released ours --- it was simply, beautiful.