Friday, November 17, 2006

Girl Scout Ages

OK - so here's the answers to Foxhound's question of the other night.

Daisy Girl Scouts (GS) Ages 5 and 6 K-Grade 1
Brownie GS Ages 6 to 8 Grades 1 - 3
Junior GS * Ages 8 to 11 Grades 3 - 6
Girl Scouts 11 - 13 Grades 6 - 8 "?? Old Juniors - Young Cadettes"
Girl Scouts 13 - 15 Grades 8 - 10 "Cadettes"
Girl Scouts 15 - 17 Grades 10 - 12 "Seniors"

JUNIORS are sometimes refered to as "Girl Scouts" and nothing else... often by people familiar with "Boy Scouts" ALL of the above listed age ranges and levels are GIRL SCOUTS - even the little "Daisy GIRL SCOUTS" ALL of them.

Foxhound was trying to figure out who's where in our new troop and how many "Brownie Scouts" we have. I believe that answer is "one". A "Bunch" of Daisies (LOL) and a few Juniors.

Anyway - had I told her that Brownies are "7" then a week from now when I would tell her that they can be "6 - 8" - she tell me "you lied to me" - thus the "don't carve it in stone" that I told her earlier this week.

It can be a bit confusing with the overlaps... it is how Foxhound is a second (or third??) year Junior THIS year. heck - even I am confused.


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