Sunday, March 17, 2013

GirlScout4Fun caches in Irvine Reg Park

Today I had planned to have our Troop meet at Irvine Regional Park for a picnic and then an afternoon of Geocaching.

I knew three could not come - but, it turned out to be JUST Foxhound & me!!! 

SO we ditched all the STUFF we brought - including the permission slip! 

Just us caching as t&F 

We found a total of 8 for 8 -- not bad! 

Met some cachers too - that is always fun! 

Most of the caches we found today were placed by a sister scout GirlScout4Fun and to kickup the difficultly for the last 3 Foxhound suggested we use only the Aerial Map, the descriptions and the "Additionals"   -- more or less -- two of the last four we did just that.  Foxhound pointed out that when we started caching we DID use only the aerials, descriptions & additional hints! 
She told me around 3 that she was tired - so we went back to the car & headed home -- It was a FUN DAY!    

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