Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Doggie Doo Stations

We went to Tahoe/Nevada for our Spring Break.  We have recently begun playing Munzee.  Similar to Geocaching because you need a "smart phone" with GPS capabilities OR a GPS with the Munzee APP loaded onto it.  What do these two things have to do with each other?

Well, In our home neighborhood, I have been deploying Munzees on the MANY "Doggie Doo" Stations (those boxes either metal or plastic that are full of baggies to use for the disposal of your pets' "stuff").  I am still (not sure why) amazed by the amount of "stuff" that is EVERYWHERE, despite the fact that these stations are EVERYWHERE too.  Even in Nevada!  I deployed a Munzee or two or three in Nevada at these stations because, just like here at home, there is Doggie stuff sometimes just yards away from these stations. 

I am getting more and more annoyed by people who can't pick up after their pets.  A lady in my neighborhood started yelling at ME when I had the baggie ON MY HAND, waiting for my dog to finish... REALLY?  Why can't she do that to the people who WALK AWAY??  Like who ever it was that left a "present" on our lawn.  Romeo found it.  Romeo sniffed it. Romeo has to sniff every single pile that he encounters.  This makes walking him take an eternity and sometimes he gets so involved with the sniffing that he forgets why WE are walking and promptly pesters me for another "out" as soon as we are home and his leash is taken off.

AND that brings me to another thing...
LEASH LAWS -- they are for ALL DOGS not just mine.

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